Friday 24 May 2013

Guest posts.

Me again!
As I would like this to be group thing anyone who would like to do a guest post could you email or tweet me at or @gbates95.
If you have been dressing vintage 50 years or 50 Mins people need your tips!
So please send me your name , a picture , your blog/company and your 5 top practical vintage fashion tips.

Thank you ladies!

Ps if you don't have a blog just send me a short bio.

Practical vintage.

I'm George.
Some of us of live in the real world. Have to go to the supermarket. Still live at home. Have no "vintage BFF`S" *. Are not amazing vintage models. Do not Look like Marilyn Monroe. Or have endless cash to spend £300 a pop on vintage reproduction stuff. Have to occasionally wear tracksuit bottoms. And do not float around in a cloud of vintage all the time.

 Instead, I shop at Primark, Love charity shops , pretend to look like Marilyn Monroe ,sleep in pyjamas with penguins on them , go to Tesco and eat chocolate.

Consequently, I spotted a gap in the online vintage blog world.
Practical vintage.

I'm sorry this is not the 1950`s.....I wish it was.
So this (I hope) will become a place where people can share practical vintage fashion tips.


*instead I have kick ass not vintage friends who I would not change for the world (yes im talking you steph fabulous human being...